Monday, August 26, 2013

Chili Chicken & Egg plate

Chili Egg & Chicken Plate (Serving of 2)

1 chicken breast
2 eggs
1 clove chopped garlic
4 tsp long onion
2 TBS salad oil
1-2 tsp broad bean chili paste (chinese chili paste)
2 TBS cooking sake
1/2 TBS sesame oil
- 1TBS cooking sake
- squeezed ginger juice to taste
- shredded onion to taste
- salt to taste 
- 4 TBS ketchup
- 1 TBS sugar
- 1 TBS soy sauce
- 1/2 TBS potato starch
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 4 TBS water

1. Cut chicken into bite size, marinate in ziploc with Marinate ingredients. (5 minutes)
2. Mix everything that's listed as Sauce
3. Cook marinated chicken with salad oil. Once chicken's color changed, add chopped garlic, long onion,  and cooking sake.
4. Add eggs and make scrambled eggs on the size of the same pan. 
5. Add broad bean chili paste, and Sauce. Pour sesame oil and done.

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